Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tidbits of information that I find Interesting...

 9 more things about Spain??  Oh you know it!

19.  Spaniards can’t pronounce my name.
            I haven’t met every single Spanish person here, but out of the ones that I’ve met none have gotten my name exactly right.  I don’t mind to be honest.  It’s actually kinda cute. :)  And since I have a small obsession with everything Spain and or Spanish, I would actually rather have a Spanish name.  :)  Instead of pronouncing it with the normal 2 syllable pronunciation, Kath-Rin (And no I didn’t spell my name wrong..for those of you who haven’t noticed no one pronounces the E’s in my name.  You can, trust me, but it sounds like an over pronunciation to me…) the Spaniards here like to split it up into 3 syllables and also add a little Spanish flare to the pronunciation as well.  :)  Ka-Ter-Ing …well…it’s close I suppose.  After a few more tries at the correct pronunciation, I simply become Kati.  Not “KATIE” like in the states but more like, “Ka-TEE.”  I like it!  Haha!  Makes ordering food and introducing myself 92.34 times easier. 
20.  Red meat is almost non-existent here.
            Hamburger?  Steak?  Meatloaf?  Tacos?  Forget it.  I’m not really sure if they would know what those foods were if I was to ask where I could find something like that.  I’ve been craving a cow for like 2 weeks.  I don’t know how much longer I can last without some type of protein in my diet.  Yes they have pigs…ham and pork chops, which I guess can be considered red meat, but I hate pork chops..and one can only eat ham for so long.  I never eat ham at home.  Christmas and that’s it…ahh Christmas.. :)  Can’t tell if it’s arriving too fast or taking too long..but there’s another time and place for that blog.  :) 

21.  No one is ever on time.
            FINALLY A SOCIETY LIKE ME!!!  If you know me well at all you know I’m almost never on time.  I like to think I “cut it close”  but no I’m late.  I seem to think everything is only 5-7 minutes away.  I definitely know it’s not I just can’t seem to get out of the house or leave where ever I am until 5 min before I’m supposed to be somewhere else.  But here, this is just the skill you need.  :)  8:30 really means 9:15.  Meet up in 20?  Make that 38 minutes.  It’s fabulous.  I’m always where I need to be at just the right time.  :)  Even professors are late for class and it’s no big deal.  But class always ends on time!!  Definitely not addin those 15 min back on to the end of class! No way are you kidding me?!  I have finally found my place in this time run world.    

22.  Spaniards will talk about anything and everything for an extremely long amount of time.
            Oh goodness…I’m prolly turning into this as well, but no worries!  It’s not a bad thing, it’s just interesting.  One day at dinner we had a conversation about how my roommate eats more than me for literally 40 min.  I swear they found every possible sentence in the world to describe that situation.  And the conversation never strayed away from that subject.  1.  Eating habits can usually be described in about 5 sentences and   2. It’s not that interesting of a subject, but somehow it got turned into the longest topic of my life.  I’ve noticed everything gets repeated here.  It’s probably just because I’m so used to the short direct way people talk in the states.  State your business and get on with it.  I will probably talk for hours when I get home about random things as well.  You’ve been warned.  :)      

23.  Giving directions is literally giving someone directions.
            The directions here never consist of street names.  Either they just don’t exist or there are too many streets that no one really knows the street names anyways.  I vote for the first.  They don’t have street signs here either.  You have to be at either the beginning or end of a street to see the name of it.  Weird right?  Half the time I never know where I am, but I’m getting better.  For example, if you ask someone where the, “Torre de Oro” is they will automatically give you left, right, straight directions.  “Take this street till the small plaza, go left, go right on the third street down, the two more lefts, take another right at the restaurant, and the go all the way down and it’s on your right.  Very simple.  Very simple.”  Simple my ass.  I spend more time asking people for directions than I do actually walking to the place.  Oh Phoenix North/South, East/West streets, how I miss you…     

24.  Best shopping here ever.
            No wonder Europe is so fashion forward!!  They have so much to work with here!  There are so many cultures here that they all influence each other in one way or another.  Every one dresses up here and sometimes I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb.  It’s just sooo different!  No sweat pants and sweatshirt look here!  It’s boots, leggings, skirts, scarves, pea coat, rings, necklace, earrings, and either a beanie or fancy head wear, just to go to class.  Damn.  I’ve been adjusting my wardrobe since I’ve been here.  I LOVE IT.  This style makeover has made me love Europe even more.       

25.  There is no such thing as traffic tickets.
            I’m pretty sure that all these people would get tickets back in the States.  It’s ridiculous.  Not just for speeding but just the manner in which they drive too!  People are always honking at one another and cutting people off, parking ON the sidewalks when there’s no room left, driving in and out of crowds of people and doing it all with such class.  Some of the streets here are so small that when walking, I have to stop in a doorway to let the car go by.  There honestly isn’t enough room for ONE person and a car.  No wonder no one over here is fat!  You’d get run over by a car!  It’d be like a game…10 points if you send that guy flying! 
26.  No restaurant is open past 12.
            Gone are the days of Taco Bell at 4 A.M. or a Wendy’s chocolate frosty as a midnight snack.  Yes the clubs and the bars are definitely open then, but they don’t serve food!  Peanuts maybe, but nothing else!  The McDonalds over here closes at 11:30 P.M.  Lovely.  Don’t get the munchies here, you’ll be screwed.  Good thing I got my care package from home!  It’s been a life saver lately.  They just don’t snack’s another foreign American concept.  lol

27.  Internet is gold.
            If you have internet in your house here, you are probably one out of 50 people.  Internet is just not something they need over here.  I DO.  How do these people survive without the internet??!  Do they know all of the magical things that the internet has to offer??  Free movies, illegal downloads, music, TV shows, FACEBOOK, email!!!!  I was honestly shocked to find out how many people had to go to café’s or bars to get some type of WIFI service!  I’m not saying the younger generation doesn’t have a connection to the internet, but the older ones here certainly do not!!  And guess what kind of house I live in…a very old generation.  Thank god for the USB Modem internet thing I have here!  Without it I would die.  A bit frustrating since I had to BUY my own internet and it’s kinda slow, but this point I’ll take anything.  Plus without the internet none of you would enjoy my lovely Spain experience.  :)

49 days down… 63 more too go.   Eeekk!!  Almost half and half!  Damn..time flies

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